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Ask the Doctor

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If you have a sexual health related question, first check out our growing list of Sexual Health FAQs here. And if you still can't find what you're looking for, you can ask a Doctor here, and one of our sexual and reproductive health doctors will answer it briefly and privately, by email.


We obviously can't provide personal medical advice here, but we can answer questions that will help others who are seeking real, evidence based information about sexual and reproductive health topics.


If we do answer your question, we reserve the right to publish both the question and our Answer (removing your name of course) to our Sexual Health FAQ library.

Submit your Sexual Health Question

Please do not submit personal health information. Keep questions general in nature. Only questions related to sexual and reproductive health topics will be answered. You'll receive your answer by email ASAP.

Thanks for submitting your question. We'll get back to you ASAP. Remember, NO PERSONAL HEALTH QUESTIONS PLEASE. If you need personal advice, we look forward to assisting you when you book a consultation.

Telehealth Consultations available (AEST):
Monday to Friday
8.00 am to 5.30 pm
8.00 am to 4.30 pm

Medicare rebates available for many consultation types. 


Contact us

Thank you for your message. We will reply asap if needed.

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Clinic 66 Quality Practice Accreditation

©  2024 Clinic66Online   |   Use of this website indicates your agreement with our Terms of Use   |   Your privacy is 100% our policy


Clinic 66, Clinic 66 Online, Abortion Online & Gynaecare use “women” as an inclusive and broad term that refers to and acknowledges the diversity in needs and experiences of all people who may access and use our women’s sexual and reproductive health information and services, including people who do not identify as women but can experience the many and various sexual and reproductive health issues related to having a uterus, ovaries and female hormones.


We acknowledge the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them, their cultures, and elders, past, present and future.


The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships

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